7 How to Select a Domain SEO In Search Engines Google

Many How to choose a domain name that we are interested for our use in the manufacture of a new website or blog, but hard when we choose a domain name that fits and is suitable for our use.

7 How to Select a Domain SEO In Search Engines Google
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There is always a problem when choosing a good domain for our site, usually for confused want a name like anything and also confused, not knowing what would later become.

Most of the people who are engaged in the world of Blogging prefer to use private names to make the blog domain name itself, It was natural, perhaps they would want to signify that it was really his blog.

Well on this occasion in this new blog I want to give some tips to you as a new blogger or bloggers who want to replace the old free subdomain blog using the Custom Domain (TLD: Top Level Domain).

Choosing a domain name is certainly not as easy as you imagine, a lot of consideration specially that will appear before you choose a domain name. Among such as whether the domain name that already you can choose SEO in search engines?

Is the domain name could be a contender weight to blogs that are already famous, and whether the domain name that you choose can become famous and easy to remember Internet users?

Well it's a problem which you must think before you intend to make a blog domain.

Now before we go to a better discussion we read in advance the sense Domain blog below:

Domain is a unique server that is most frequently used by bloggers to create a network See more about Computers or as an email server in opersikan Through Internet. The function of this domain is to make it easier for Internet users to log onto a server that is useful find information on the internet. This applied to let users more easily to recognize each server that the visit of the need to memorize a series of numbers, or we are familiar with the term IP ADDRESS. Usually the domain name is often called by a URL or website address

 Here are some tips for choosing a good domain name and appropriate for your blog:

1. Choose a Domain Name that is easy for Di Remember

The first is to choose a domain name that is easy to remember every visitor to your blog, do not be too long and do not short but the fonts that are difficult to remember.
Some examples below may be given to show you all. For example, for a sample domain that is easy to remember: pasangmata.com | or Domain that is easy for typing in the Google SERP itself. Basically, that is easy to remember domain provides its own benefits to the owners which certainly all visitors if you want to walk around in your blog easier and less difficulty in typing in the address column.

Then one example for the domain is short but not easy to remember: propeller.com. This is an example of a short domain that I think the first time was aware of this domain name, but for a second visit next time I'm sure penggguna little trouble. 2 Letter, due to the double peletakannya also confuse new users.

From the second domain selection long and short of it actually depends on the words used, the length but using the words easy to remember it's better than a short but difficult to remember. Well if you want to create a personal blog you can probably use your name, but if a couple can create a domain name corresponding to the name of your business.

2. Customize Your Brand And Business

Many bloggers who choose to use a domain name that is sometimes different from the name of the business being in jalankannya. This is usually because the brand wants to look different. But if in view of the aspects of the popularity and trust of Internet users is better you use your business name to make a domain name, so the selearas and easier for people to find your business on the internet.

Then the second, you can use a personal domain name if it was necessary to show that you are the owner of the blog.

3. Use the TLD (Top Level Domain)

Then the second is by using a domain with a custom domain that is most often used by new bloggers, such as COM, NET, ORG, ID and many more extensions Domain available, often I find domain names with various unique for yourself which are usually providers domain already gives some pilhan that are customized to the blog category.

4. Use a domain name that is a low level of competition]

Then if you want to choose a domain name, say you choose a domain name corresponding to the name of your business. for example, was here I took a sample of your business as a service business articles. then surely you will create a domain name that corresponds to the business that you live. For example: jasaartikel.com | kontenartikel.com.

if I rate has been quite good and proper as it relates to value click in the search engines, but we see again the amount of competition. whether the blog you are already popular enough to appear on the first page? That which you must think first. Take a look below:

7 How to Select a Domain SEO In Search Engines Google

Judging from the search results using SERVICE ARTICLES course you will lose with a variety of existing ads and also dri website is already popular, this indeed is in permasalahkan bloggers now. difficult to penetrate the first rank. I also felt so. For the ultimate solution I suggest to you, use the domain name domain .Yaitu Brandable domain names as keywords. For example www.jasa-artikel-seo.com.

5. Do not use the Trademark

Trademark is the creation of domain names that utilize Brand companies and brands that are already well known on the Internet Illegally used without permission at all of the parties concerned. For example, because a lot of people who do a search on Google you use a domain name such as simbahgoogle.com and so forth. The Google may not receive their company name being misused and it could be you incur a fine of up to billions of rupiah.

6. Place Buy domain

Then the sixth buy a domain name in place already in many klienr believe, as we often find a domain purchases but only lasted a few months, normally dowan server or exposed suspend. It was so hurt when the site has begun to crawl properly. so think two times again where you will perkir your domain later. I would suggest to rumahweb.com or to namecheap.com.

7. Choose according to your taste Extensions (COM, NET, cclTD)

Many extensions that you can use to custom subdomain blog, better use of the commonly used ones such as com, net, ID because it was popular and guaranteed also for its quality. Blog if you want to see only in local INDONESIA you can use ID. But if you can use COM internationally.
Multiple Domain Extensions of several countries:

  • US: Autralia

Now that's some domain name selection you might be able to make a reference. Thank you for visiting. This blog received a request Articles on Blogging and online businesses. please contact me. thanks.

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